This year’s “Golf Outing and Fun-Raiser” was held at the Cameron Veterans Memorial Golf Club in Cameron, MO on Friday, September 14th. Advanced Drainage Systems generously sponsored the entire event, as well as our delicious steak supper. Prins Insurance and United Fire Group sponsored our luncheon, Foley Equipment Company sponsored the beverage cart and Winter-Dent & Company sponsored the prizes. Our winning team, with a score of 62, was Brian Hays, Brad Kleinsorge, Harrison Kleinsorge and Gary Cloyd. Mike Roth won the Longest Drive; Phil Algreen won Closest to the Pin, Harrison Kleinsorge won the Longest Putt, and Rob Liles, MLICA Vice President, won the door prize of a round of golf for four donated by the Cameron Veterans Memorial Golf Club. The generosity of our Associate members who sponsored the event, meals and prizes, the staff of the Cameron Veterans Memorial Golf Club, as well as the golfers and non-golfers who attended made the entire event a huge success for our Memorial Scholarship Fund. Thank You to all who participated!

Our Golfers!
- Travis Gentry & Amy Lawlor
- Mark Young & Mariah Lance
- (L to R) Phil Algreen & Alex Barrans
- (L to R) Jon Kuschel & Jon Goldsmith
- (L to R) Dennis Brinton & Mike Roth
- Amber Bosma & Jim Jansen
- (L to R) Rob Liles & Jake Gingerich
- Jim Jansen & Amber Bosma, 2nd Place Team
- Harrison Kleinsorge (left), Longest Putt Winner, and Matt Kujath, Winter-Dent
- Tom Lawlor (far left) and Matt Kujath (far right) congratulate the winning team (holding coolers, L to R) Harrison Kleinsorge, Brian Hays, Brad Kleinsorge, and Gary Cloyd.
- Matt Kujath (left) and Mike Roth, Longest Drive Winner
- Ton Lawlor (left), MLICA President presents Rob Liles, MLICA Vice President, with his door-prizing win of a golf package
- Brittany – our beverage cart driver