On January 26-28, the Missouri Land Improvement Contractors Association held it’s 76th Annual Winter Convention at the Hilton Garden Inn in Columbia, MO. The theme for the Convention was “Solving the Puzzle of Success,” with classes tailored to help contractors work smarter, not harder. In addition to classes on QuickBooks, Employment Law, Workers’ Compensation Law, and Missouri One Call’s NextGen software, contractors were updated on their benefit package and plans for the 2017 Field Day. The Convention wrapped up on Saturday night with a fun trivia game. The Ladies Auxiliary created some wonderful “Make and Take” bathroom sets and, as a surprise addition, held an impromptu LICA Hair Salon! All in all, it was a wonderful weekend, full of learning and laughter.
Sally and Gerald Abuer
From left: Dave Jones, Missouri One Call System, answers some questions from Charles Krumpelman
From right: Susan Liles, Rob Liles, Coretha Rozendaal, Norm Rozendaal (blue shirt) and two guests check out their funny prizes.
(From left): Dennis Brinton, Charlie Schaefer, and Sondra Brinton
From right, Tom Lawlor, Jeff Lance, and four guests
From left, Dana Jennings, Pat Jennings, Christopher McDaniel, Bryan McDaniel, Rebecca McDaniel, Lena McDaniel’s daughter
Carol Balkenbusch holds a 1964-65 Directory and Ken Balkenbusch shows off his door prize
Executive Director Debbie Dickens receives a gift for her 27 years of service
Chris Brauer, left, presents Gerald Bauer with his 45-year Membership Milestone plaque.
From left: Mona Bledsoe, Jim Bledsoe, Charles Krumpelman, Joan Muenks, Greg Muenks
(Standing left) Brad McArdle, National LICA President, provides some updates to the membership.
Terri Kile (left) and Nordis Estrem work on the Auxiliary Crafts
From right, Norm Rozendall, Coretha Rozendaal, Rob Liles, Susan Liles, and two guests
From left: Tammy Boyce, Jake Gingerich, Debbie Dickens, Larry LaFollette, Jerry Biuso, and Nordis Estrrem
(left) Jerry Biuso, National CEO and Nordis Estrem, Region IV VP
From left: Sally Bauer, Sue Gilbert, Carol Balkenbusch, Ken Balkenbusch, Gerals Bauer, and Mont Gilbert
Chris Brauer, left, presents Jim Bledsoe with his 30-year Membership Milestone plaque.
From left: Lin Reed, Terri Kile, Chris Brauer, Miranda Brauer, Sondra Brinton, Dennis Brinton
Jerry Biuso, National CEO
Chris Brauer, left, presents Ken Balkenbusch with his 40- year Membershiip Milestone plaque.
(left) Jason Hostetter holds his 5-year Membership Certificate and Buddy Hostetter holds his 30-year Membership Milestone plaque.
Some door prize baskets