During the first week of August, 2017, almost 50 Missouri LICA contractors and employees met at the Grace Greenley Farm in Novelty, MO for our 2017 Field Day. Partnering with the University of Missouri Extension’s Greenley Research Center, we installed the first phase of a holistic approach to waterworks research for agriculture. On this 240-acre farm project, Dr. Kelly Nelson will be testing the impact of the permeable layer on drainage, the effect of more sloping soil on drainage, the effect of spacing on drainage, and the water quality benefits of a bio-reactor and buffer strip, to name a few of his projects. We installed one of Missouri’s first bio-reactors, the first buffer strip in the state of Missouri, as well as six acres of drainage to feed them. In addition, we installed another 40 acres of drainage for four replicated test plots. These tile lines were buried two feet, three feet, and four feet deep for the “drainage-only” portions of the test plot, and two feet and three feet deep for the “drainage and sub-irrigation” test plots, with tile spacings for the “drainage and sub-irrigation” test plots of ten feet, 15 feet and 20 feet. We are anxious to see what Dr. Nelson’s research will show.
The public show was held on August 8, 2017 and more than 400 attendees took advantage of the opportunity to learn from the experts. The day started with breakfast, followed by a number of speakers giving opening remarks, including State Representatives, the new Dean and Vice Chancellor of the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (CAFNR), the new Director of the Missouri Department of Agriculture, a Missouri Senator, and several representatives from the agriculture community like the Missouri Corn Growers Association, Missouri Soybean Association, a local farmer, and the Superintendent of the Greenley Research Center. Throughout the day, tour wagons took attendees around the field, stopping at educational stations where they learned about the latest research results and installation requirements for the bio-reactor and buffer strip, cover crops and terracing, water control structures and water gates, a retention pond and dam, and the four drainage test plots. We wrapped up the event with lunch in the vendors’ tent where more than 20 exhibitors were on hand to answer questions and share information about the latest developments in the industry.
For some history of the Greenley Research Center and the Grace Greenley Farm, as well as a few more field day details, click here.
We want to offer a very special “Thank You” to our contractors and their employees, the staff of the Greenley Research Center, and all of our sponsors, without whom this event would not have happened. Our words are inadequate to express our deep gratitude to each and every one of them. We also want to thank Logan Jackson, Mike Harre, and Mona Bledsoe for serving as our volunteer photographers!
[The pictures in the slideshow below will automatically advance, or you can click on the “forward,” “back,” or stop arrows at the bottom of the picture to run it at your own pace. Descriptions are beneath each picture.]
- Our Sponsors
- More sponsors
- An overview of the field
- An overview of the entire project
- The night before the main event
- Early morning – August 8
- Overview of the drainage test plot installation
- Overview showing spacing changes for the drainage test plots
- Overview of the bio-reactor installation
- Grace Greenley Farm
- Contractors listening to the opening speakers
- MO Director of Ag, Chris chinn
- Christopher Daubert – CAFNR Vice Chancellor and Dean
- Jesse Schwanke – Chairman Greenley Research Center Advisory Board
- Excess soil from the bio-reactor was hauled off to repair the tour wagon routes
- Drain line for the buffer strip
- Senator Brian Munzlinger
- Dana Harder – Superintendent, Greenley Research Center
- Bio-reactor
- Rep. Craig Redmon
- Volunteer tour wagon drivers and Dr. Kelly Nelson
- Rep. Nate Walker
- The “main drag” between the drainage test plots
- Watching the instalation of tile
- Adding the wood chips to the bio-reactor
- Matt Amick – MO Corn Growers
- Ryan Gill – MO Soybean
- Digging the bio-reactor
- Making another run for chips to fill the bio-reactor
- Our youngest contractor – 5-year old Cutter Witherow
- Getting closer to the construction site
- One of the many tour wagons
- Getting up close to the action
- Tour wagon on the move
- CAFNER’s new Vice Chancellor and Dean (center) greets attendees
- Installing tile
- Discussing the day’s progress over lunch
- Renee Adler discusses her research on cover crops and terracing
- Renee Adler – MU Grad Student
- A gorgeous day out in the field
- The view as you entered the construction site
- The bio-reactor was left open for the public show
- Dan Jaynes’ control box demo
- Attendees discussing the possibilities
- Digging mains and sub-mains
- Installing tile
- Installing tile
- Closing up the the tile lines
- Dr. Kelly Nelson – Greenley Research Center
- Learning a thing or two from Dr. Kelly Nelson
- Dr. Kelly Nelston – Greenley Research Center
- Installing more tile
- Installing more tile
- Marty Comstock – NRCS State Engineer
- Dr. Jane Frankenbereger – Purdue University
- Educational stop for the retention pond
- Joey Rosenfelder – NRCS
- Troy Chockley – NRCS
- Installing more tile
- Installed control structure and seep collar
- Charlie Schaefer – AgriDrain
- Installed water gate
- Paul Sweeney, Ecosystem Services Exchange
- A short, in-the-field meeting to verify details
- Dan Jaynes – USDA Soil Scientist
- Installing tile
- Covering the installed drain tile
- Digging mains and sub-mains
- Installing tile
- Pushing more dirt
- This was definitely a family affair
- Hauling dirt from the bio-reactor to repair the tour wagon routes
- Digging dirt
- Pushing dirt
- Breakfast was followed with informative opening remarks by several dignataries
- Taking a well-deserved break for lunch
- Dr. Kelly Nelson – Greenley Research Center
- Sponsor poster at one of the educational stations
- Attendees get a close up view of some drain tile being installed
- Port Industries’ new V-Plow
- Port Industries’ new V-Plow in action
- Drainage being installed
- Water Control Structure
- Trench for supply line from the retention pond
- Drainage for the bio-reactor
- Jace Klein – Ecosystem Services Exchange
- Dr. Kelly Nelson – Greenley Research Center
- Installing tile