On November 5 & 6, 2014, over 1,500 contractors from across the state gathered at the Boone County Fairgrounds in Columbia, MO to participate in the Underground Damage Prevention Summit. The event included 19 safety classes, field demonstrations of how to safely dig around power lines, a live burn as a result of hitting a gas pipeline, a trench collapse docudrama, as well as contests for locators and equipment operators … all for free! Law enforcement demonstrated what happens when alcohol is combined with equipment operation and there were vehicles on display which showed the results of traffic accidents. Missouri LICA hosted the equipment rodeo where contractors were able to test their skills and accuracy. We want to thank Mona Bledsoe, Sue Gilbert, and the Missouri Common Ground Alliance for letting us use the pictures below. And, a special thanks goes to MLICA member Greg Muenks who was volunteered to participate in the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s alcohol consumption vs. function demonstration.
- MLICA Vice President Mont Gilbert (left) and President Chris Brauer man the LICA booth.
- Sue Gilbert (left) and Mona Bledsoe work the registration table for the equipment rodeo.
- An equipment rodeo contestant gets signed up to compete.
- Greg Muenks is tested for his Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) during one of the demonstrations.
- Greg Muenks, after several drinks, tries to operate the equipment simulator.
- Larry LaFollette (left) instructs one of the equipment rodeo participants.
- Participants look on as rescue workers retrieve the vicitims during the trench collapse docudrama.
- MLICA equipment rodeo judges (from left) Mont Gilbert, Jim Bledsoe, Chris Brauer, and Ken Balkenbusch review the game rules.
- An equipment rodeo contestant tries his luck at the “Cover the Peg” game.
- The “Bucket of Balls” game proved quite a challenge for contestants.
- A contestant negotiates the barrels during the equipment rodeo.
- Waiting equipment rodeo participants watch one of the contestants.
- An equipment rodeo participant tests his skills.
- (In front of the caution tape, wearing LICA shirts) Jim Bledsoe (left) and Ken Balkenbusch serves as a judges during the equipment rodeo.
- Along with booths, there was heavy equipment on display.
- Over 1,500 contractors took advantage of this remarkable event’s free safety training.
- Along with the safety classes, participants helped raise funds for a charity benefitting families of construction accidents with an auction.
- Attendees are reminded about the importance of safety.
- The 10-Hour OSHA course was one of 19 safety classes offered during the free event.
- Participants learn what can happen when a gas pipeline is hit, prior to going outside to see a live demonstration.
- Along with the safety training, rodeos, and demonstrations, attendees were able to enjoy some great food!
- Safety classes included instruction in digging around electric lines.
- Participants were able to see, first-hand, what can happen when digging around buried pipelines.
- It was a beautiful day to spend some time outdoors while learning about safety.
- County police and EMTs were present as a part of the trench collapse docudrama.
- Many equipment manufacturers displayed their equipment and answered contractors’ questions.
- Even a large utility truck can be totaled when a driver loses concentration, even for just a few seconds.