The day before the Winter Convention, MLICA hosted a “Contractor and Employee Boot Camp” at Bobcat in Columbia, Missouri on January 5, 2012. This training included the following classes: OSHA Forklift Certification, CRP and AED Training, Overhead Powerline Safety, and What To Do When OSHA Arrives. The next day, we moved to Holiday Inn East in Columbia, Missouri for our Winter Convention on January 6 & 7, 2012. For details of the event, click here.
- Matt Kujath (leaning against the counter) watches the “What To Do When OSHA Arrives” class at the Contractor & Employee Boot Camp. I
- CPR & AED Training at the Contractor & Employee Boot Camp
- “Overhead Powerline Safety” class demonstration at the Contractor & Employee Boot Camp.
- (L to R) Sharon Brauer and Mona Bledsoe
- (Front row) Angie & Craig Stubinger, (2nd row)
- John Houston waves at the camera while Roger Levings (right) visits with some guests.
- Dick Purcell, NRCS State Conservation Engineer
- Cody Boswell, Missouri Auto Auction
- Buddy Hostetter shares a laugh with his wife Lisa.
- (L to R) Unidentified, Pat Houston, Ginger Matthews, and Mona Bledsoe participate in the Auxiliary’s Water Aerobics class.
- (L to R) Pat Houston, Mona Bledsoe
- Kenna and Roger Levings
- (Facing camera) Jeff Lance
- (L to R) Mont Gilbert and Buddy Hostetter
- Bruce Mosier (left) stands with the equipment rodeo winners (left to right), Gayle Matthews, Kenley Lance, Leslie Hoer.
- Elwin Yoder (far right) takes advantage of our Exhibit Hall to ask some questions of our Associates.
- (Seated) competitors Doug Schnitker (left) and Melvin Beckemeyer show off their skills at the equipment rodeo while they are observed by judges (from left) unidentified, Joe Giovinazzo, and National LICA Region IV Vice President Steve Miller.
- Jim Bledsoe, leaning on a donated auction item while teasing Cody Boswell, the auctioneer.
- 2012 Auxiliary officers: (L to R) President Mona Bledsoe, Carol Balkenbusch standing in for Vice President Sally Bauer), Secretary/Treasurer Rhonda Schnitker; (Back row, L to R) Secretary/Treasurer Mont Gilbert, Vice President Chris Brauer, President Larry LaFollette
- Jim Bledsoe (left) thanks Larry LaFollette for agreeing to serve as MLICA President … again!
- Melvin Beckemeyer (right) receives his 40-Year Membership Milestone Award from Chris Brauer
- Chris Brauer (left) presents Gayle Matthews with his 35-Year Membership Milestone Award
- Ken Balkenbusch (right) receives his 35-Year Membership Milestone Award from Chris Brauer
- Chris Brauer (left) presents Jim Bledsoe with his 25-Year Membership Milestone Award
- (L to R) Chris Brauer congratulates Phil Wilson on his 10-Year Membership Milestone Award
- Attendees enjoying a great lunch