Our 2010 Winter Convention was held at the Isle of Capri in Boonville, Missouri. Our theme was Mardi Gras and, once again, the Ladies Auxiliary, under the direction of their President Mona Bledsoe, really knocked themselves out in providing the fun decorations! For details, click here.
- Sally Bauer helps put up the decorations
- Helen Kleinsorge spices up the banquet hall.
- Milburn Davis (left) checks out one of our Associate’s booth.
- (L to R) Chris Brauer, Ozzie Wallace, Jim Bledsoe, Mona Bledsoe, Sally Bauer and Lisa Davis line up for the installation of LICA and LICA Auxiliary officers.
- John and Pat Houston
- (L to R) Mel Kleinsorge, Helen Kleinsorge, Fran Miller, Steve Miller (National LICA Region IV Vice President), and Ken Balkenbusch
- Beth and Charlie Boyer
- Sally and Gerald Bauer
- Cody Boswell (right) with Missouri Auto Auction generously agreed to serve as our auctioneer and even brought a couple of his employees (left) to help!
- Helen and Mel Kleinsorge
- Milburn and Lisa Davis
- The table decorations
- Jim Bledsoe pauses the fun for some libations!
- Gayle Matthews and Gerald Bauer take a break from the activities.
- Jim Bledsoe watches as Mona Bledsoe describes the “Jester’s Crown.”