The 2004 Winter Convention was held at the Country Club Hotel in Lake Ozark, Missouri. Although the weather was icy, our members were still able to catch up with each other and learn some tips for their business.
- Judy Wilson and Kenley Lance
- (L to R) Don Scheib and Charlie Schafer
- Doug Egeland, Region IV Vice President (left) visits with a Missouri LICA member.
- Roger Hansen, NRCS Chief Engineer
- (L to R) Ken Balkenbusch, Bob Broz, Caryl Lance
- Members discuss the finer points of the presentation.
- (L to R) One of our Associates visiting with Elwin and Dean Yoder
- (L to R) Olin Struchtemeyer and Mel Kleinsorge
- (L to R) Olin Struchtemeyer, Roger Limback, Gayle Matthews, Caryl Lance
- (L to R) Gerald Bauer and Phil Noel
- Kenley Lance shows off his door prize haul!
- (L to R) Recognizing past officers Eddie Gilmore, Bob Parks, Roger Limback, Nelson Wilson; Auxiliary officers Ginger Matthews, Vivian Limback, Sally Bauer, Pat Houston