The 2000 MLICA Field Day was held at the Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge in Northwest Missouri where we installed a large wetland. We were able to use a nearby private hunting lodge as our “headquarters” and built another wetland at that location, as well as a small terrace installation on a neighbor’s land. With the support of our Associate members and a number of MLICA contractor volunteers, the event was a huge success.
- Some of our volunteers (from left, standing):A friend of LICA, Rod Schottel, Jeff Lance, Steve Milne, NRCS Field Rep Tim Wilson, Melvin Koechner, Gayle Matthews (Kneeling) Caryl Lance, Bryce Milne
- Installing drain tile
- Phil Noel with New Holland teaches the next generation
- Preparing for the overflow pipe in the wetland
- Setting the overflow pipe
- Enjoying a picnic break
- The hunting lodge site served as our “headquarters”
- Starting each day with safety training
- Working on the wetland overflow pipe at the Squaw Creek installation
- Spreading seed to wrap up the event
- Sculpting the wetland at Squaw Creek